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The Power of Community

Code of Practice for the members of the  Association for Managers and Leaders.




When joining the Association for Managers and Leaders, members undertake to abide by the Memorandum and Articles of Association and Bye-Laws of the Association. The Association has a diverse membership.


The purpose of this Code is to ensure the commitment of Members to this Code. Members should therefore abide by the Code to maintain professional standards and protect and preserve the goals of the Association. This Code does not take precedence over national law nor the professional codes of other  associations to which a member may belong. Members will at all times conduct themselves in a manner calculated to preserve and enhance the standing of The Association.


Throughout this Code the following definitions shall apply:

  1. ‘Code’ shall mean this Members’ Code of Practice

  2. ‘Employer’ shall mean Employer of a Member of the Institute and/or any third party to whom a Member provides a professional service

  3. ‘Members’ shall mean Members of the Association as defined in the Articles of Association and student members of theAssociation


  1. Members shall never misuse the authority vested in them as manager or leader for personal gain or prestige. They shall at all times act in a professional manner particularly by:

  2. Accepting responsibility for their own work and for those for whom they are responsible

  3. Maintaining a high standard of integrity in all their business relationships whether inside or outside the organisation in which they are employed or retained

  4. Fostering the highest possible standards of professional competence amongst those for whom they are responsible

  5. Carrying out their duties and applying their knowledge and expertise with efficiency whilst optimising the use of all resources for which they are responsible

  6. Seeking appropriate advice when faced with a situation recognised as being outside their area of expertise and knowledge

  7. Complying with both the letter and spirit of:

 i) Appropriate legislation of the country in which they work

 ii) Any obligations into which they may have entered

 iii) Professional guidelines which may be issued by the Association

8.      Rejecting any business practices which might reasonably be deemed improper


  1. When applying these principles, Members should seek to use the following guidelines:

  2. To ensure, as far as they are capable, that efficient and effective training is available for their team members and to encourage them to undertake such training so that their competence and safety are enhanced

  3. To ensure that due recognition is given to the ideas of others and that every effort, compatible with efficiency, is made to help team members, colleagues and employers obtain optimum satisfaction and motivation

  4. To declare any personal interest which may impinge, or may be deemed by others to impinge, on a Member’s impartiality in any matter relevant to their role

  5. To respect the confidentiality of information received in the course of duty and never misuse it for personal gain; information given in the course of duty should be accurate and not misleading

  6. In line with best practice, to continually develop their personal skills, knowledge and expertise

  7. To uphold the principle that equal consideration should be given to all, regardless of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, creed, colour, race or ethnic origin, religion, disability or nationality

  8. To be aware of the impact that their actions may have on the environment and the people around them

‘We define integrity as those shared values, attitudes and behaviours that help us to act correctly in our lives and at home, at work and in society’

Roger Steare and Christopher Jamieson Authors of Integrity in Practice

Duty of care 

This Code does not seek to replace or supersede any Employers’ policies, in particular the duty of care owed to and imposed by such Employer. Members are, however, expected to be aware of, and diligently apply, such duty of care towards those for whose supervision, management  or leadership they are entrusted in any capacity. This is especially important in dealings affecting those who might from time to time be at risk from any form of mistreatment, abuse, workplace stress, or injury. This duty of care should, in particular, extend to any vulnerable people, including those who suffer from any disability.

Reporting a suspected breach of this Code

If any Member has reason to believe that another Member has failed to comply with this Code, or has acted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Association, he/she should write to the Chief Executive of the Association giving full details and providing, where appropriate, any evidence of noncompliance or prejudicial behaviour.

Institute Mission

‘We believe that good management and leadership hold the key to organisational effectiveness and social and economic prosperity. We partner globally with individuals and organisations to enable them to reach their full potential and achieve success.’

The Association for Management and Leadership is a professional body for management and leadership development.

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